The Magic of Bees

At Bee Magic, we strive to pollinate the classroom with knowledge about the magical world of bees, beekeeping, and the importance of pollinators in the ecosystem. During our incursions, students will learn about the life cycle of bees, the roles of different castes of bees, how honey is made, and the importance of bees in agriculture and the environment.

  • Immersive & Hands-on

    Kinesthetic-tactile learning style that allows children to manipulate/touch material to learn.

  • Curriculum Alignment

    Our program is specifically tailored to meet the needs of children of all ages and curriculum outcomes.

  • Real Buzzy Bees

    We bring a special observation hive containing live bees to safely observe bees up close.

  • Honey Tasting

    A multi-sensory experience where students get to taste and pour their very own jar to take home.

Early Learning Program

Sessions for early learning centres and kindergartens are presented in a way that young children will enjoy and understand, with a focus on interactive, tactile activities and just enough intriguing information to foster a sense of wonder in the natural living world.

We talk about bees and their role in the ecosystem and showcase a variety of beekeeping equipment, including protective clothing, a bee smoker, and bee products such as beeswax wraps, candles and honey. The children will get to sample a range of honeys to understand how flavours and colours are affected by the seasons and flora. 

With the school's permission, an observation can be brought into the classroom to safely show children the inner workings of a beehive. Each participant will receive a take home goodie bag including a small jar of honey. The session lasts for approximately 45 minutes with time for questions and photos with beekeeping clothing and equipment.

$395 + GST for up to 25 children. Please enquire about larger groups or multiple sessions at the same centre.

Primary & Secondary Program

The Primary School Program covers the basics of bees and beekeeping but goes deeper into discussions around sustainability and the environment. We look at why bees are important, their role in the ecosystem, commercial beekeeping, and what can be done to help make an impact to save the bees. A custom made 3D printed model of the lifecycle of the bee is a fantastic learning aid to discuss the lifecycle of the bee and their many roles throughout their life. 

The Primary School Program includes a honey harvesting experience where students will get to experience a real honey extraction while learning about the honey making process. We'll supply two frames of raw honey which will be uncapped and spun in a clear extractor so the students can observe the honey spinning out of the honeycomb. We then filter and jar the honey for the students to take home.  

The Primary School Program sessions last for approximately 1 hour. All materials and equipment as well as take home items are included in the fee.

$495 + GST for up to 25 students. Please enquire about larger groups or multiple sessions at the same school.

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